I am just recuperating from 2 weeks of nasty cold and sinus infection. Yuck! I can't tell you how much it slowed me down. And if you know moms (especially moms who work), we can't afford to slow down. But it occurred to me that maybe just maybe my body is smarter than I am. Just for a couple of weeks, I didn't workout (often) and I didn't wake up at 5:00 a.m. and work late every night like I usually do. I cancelled some appointments and took a couple of naps. Is it possible that maybe my body is smarter than I am and actually demanded that I slow down? Ok, I know reality is that I just got a nasty bug from my kids. But it is true that it takes a sickness or injury to physically make us slow down. Truth be told is that if we were smarter we would do it on our own from time to time and maybe not get sick. Right now I have that "high" that you feel from feeling a touch of health after a long illness. I feel like I'm going to do the right things and take good care of myself. But truth be told that high will be forgotten and I will be back to the grind in a week (probably less than that). Maybe if I read this blog of mine I can remind myself to slow down before I get the yucky cruds again!