I cannot respect a researcher that forces women to endure the bleak existence of profound hypogonadism unnecessarily. A recent article on msnbc.com titled:
Study firmly ties hormone use to breast cancer
describes how hormone use is unhealthy and increases a woman's risk of breast cancer.
Do all hormone regimens really lead to increased breast cancer?
Of course not. This was my online response to such sloppy academic conclusions:
The hormone pill, Premarin, creates unnatural hormone levels which is why it is unhealthy. The Women's Health Initiative was not a trial of ovarian hormone replacement which may explain why the women were not monitored for under or overdosing of the hormonal medication they received.
Profound hypogonadism, which is the medical name for menopause, is the illness that increases the risk of breast cancer in women. Replacing all of the ovarian hormones to normal levels improves overall health and prevents the increased risk of breast cancer brought on by ovarian failure.
Appropriate hormone replacement is healthy. Premarin is not and this distinction should be made so women can be properly treated.
Beth Rosenshein
Diamond Research FoundationThe following doctors commented on this study and recommended that women forgo effective treatment for their profound hypogonadism:
- Dr. Rowan Chlebowski of Harbor-UCLA Medical Center
- Dr. C. Kent Osborne, a breast cancer specialist at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston.
- Dr. JoAnn Manson, preventive medicine chief at Harvard's Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston
- Dr. Peter Ravdin of the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston
The study that they are referring to used Premarin, a hormonal medication not designed to replace ovarian hormone levels. It is irresponsible to not tell this to the public and to mislead them into thinking that treatment for profound hypogonadism is not available. The real question here is "Why push women into not appropriately treating their profound hypogonadism unnecessarily?"
Breast cancer is preventable when you treat the number one risk factor, profound hypogonadism brought on by ovarian failure. Your gonadal hormones helped prevent breast cancer when your ovaries were still working and replacing gonadal hormones will continue to protect you from breast cancer after the ovaries have failed.
The number two risk factor for getting breast cancer is a doctor who is unwilling to treat the root cause of the increased risk you face as you get older, chronic, profound hypogonadism or untreated menopause.
If your doctor is not supportive of treatment then ask these questions:
- Are you going to treat my profound hypogonadism and if not, why not? Untreated profound hypogonadism is the number one risk factor for breast cancer and I'd like to reduce my risk with effective treatment.
- Are you using ovarian hormone replacement and if not, why not? I have profound hypogonadism and have an increased risk of beast cancer because of it. I need effective treatment so I can reduce my risk of breast cancer brought on by ovarian failure.
- Why are you using the results of the Women's Health Intiative when it has nothing to do with ovarian hormone replacement and the illness that you are treating me for, profound hypogonadism? I want to reduce my risk of breast cancer by treating my illness, profound hypogonadism, not increase it by using Premarin.
Women are unnecessarily left to risk their health because of misleading and inaccurate data from deeply flawed research like the Women's Health Initiative. You can improve your healt
Beth Rosenshein is an electrical/bio-medical engineer and is very familiar with medical research. She holds two United States patents, one for a unique design of a vaginal speculum, and one for a clever urinary collection device specifically designed for women. Beth discovered and documented an important drug interaction...
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Website: http://www.diamondrf.org/