Thanks to Kelly I just had a very peaceful massage involving hands and feet with eyes covered and soft music. I am not a Spa person per se, but a generous gift of a friend, who wishes anonymity, sent me to this European like, small resort just outside the Park. I must say Kelly's gentle hands sent a nice peaceful sense throughout the entire body. This triggered a memory of a well known physician friend years ago saying that if he were on a deserted island and had one treatment to give to patients, it would be teaching relaxation. Of course, I mediated during the experience, but the massage augmented this.
Commentary: So what is reflexology? I am Western trained and enjoy a more Western kind of meditation (i.e. active) but know little of Chinese energy concepts where I was told Reflexology comes from. In contradistinction, I once visited ancient Epidaurus in Greece, the Foundation of Western Medicine , where I discovered the daughters of Aesculapius, the God of Medicine (AKA the Hippocratic Oath), were Hygenia (prevention) and Panacea (treatments like drugs). Energy medicine had to do with nutrition, exercise, meditation, and prepared dreaming. (Obviously, these Western roots are forgotten...)
Nonetheless, what are the etheric roots to reflexology out of the East? I would like to know more.