The United States Health care system is broken and there is no easy fix. The health care system, like the military industrial complex of the cold war, is predicated on corporate profits and not the well being of the patient. The CEOs of the large HMOs and pharmaceutical companies have the same agenda as any other corporate leader. Raise their company's stock price or lose their job which pays their obscene salary and bonus. Health care corporation's focus is financial and they are not concerned with access to care or the quality of care their patients receive.
These same companies will push for tort reform because it limits their liability in medical malpractice lawsuits. They want to limit patient access, reduce their costs and not have any responsibility. The trial lawyers will not tolerate these unconstitutional limits and are fed by the victim's misfortune. We have all heard the advertisements asking, "Has anything bad ever happened to you. Someone else should pay. Call us now. Time is running out." How would they survive if they could only make a few hundred dollars an hour? (Assuming, of course, that they are not double billing). However, without these legal wolves patrolling the health care system even doctors would be at risk to corporate domination.
Where does this leave the doctor? Right next to the patient in the over-crowded emergency room wondering how things have gotten so out of control.