Who Gets Alzheimer's? 18 Contributing Factors

Alzheimer's is yet another of the many chronic diseases which have now reached epidemic/pandemic proportions.  Like most other such diseases, it is not yet known what brings about the condition. 

We do, however, know that the disease robs victims of their memory, incapacitates them, and, ultimately, brings about a premature (in most cases) death.

Why the Cause of a Disease is Crucially Important

We don't always have to know the etiology (i.e., source) of a disease in order to be able to either treat it or, what's better, cure it.  But the cause is almost always needed if you want to find a permanent, feasible cure.

For example, if we knew why the beta cells in the pancreatic islets of Langerhans become damaged (to the point of arbitrarily ceasing to produce insulin when needed by the body), we might then be able to find a more effective treatment or cure for diabetes mellitus than the very imprecise, manually-provided and often-only-partially-effective insulin shots.  The same goes for the glucose-controlling medications presently available which, again, only temporarily and partially ameliorate the situation.

In fact, such knowledge would make it easier to prevent the disease, which is probably the best possible solution for all chronic diseases!

By knowing the specific cause (or, at the very least, the most likely "culprits"), we can establish health initiatives meant to prevent the disease, reduce the chances of getting it, and even come up with multifaceted, proactive treatment plans, once a diagnosis of the disease is rendered. 

While we don't yet know what is causing some people to get Alzheimer's (while others facing some of the same risk factors escape it), the most likely causes include:

1.  Excessive exposure to electromagnetic energy fields/radiation.  At the top of the list is, of course, ionizing radiation, but there are other forms of potentially-cellular-damage-imparting electromagnetic energy fields, including microwaves, radio waves, low frequency waves, UV radiation, etc.  The truth is that we don't really know how the many electromagnetic fields all around us are affecting us. 

These fields were not a factor in the very near past--i.e., 150 years ago.  Are our bodies, for example, adapting to things like Wi-Fi signals, considering that these are now being heavily used all around us 24/7?  How are the increasing (because of ozone layer degradation) exposure to UV rays affecting us?

And what about the ever-increasing exposure to ionizing radiation, including because of mostly over-used medical imaging tests and the now ubiquitous radioactive waste pollution?

2.  Worsening, very prevalent (even in developed countries) nutritional deficiencies.  The fact is that most people in the world consume diets lacking in the most basic nutrients necessary for healthy (brain) cell development and proliferation.  Unlike other cells in the body, though, brain cells aren't regularly replaced--meaning that if and when they get damaged, there is no chance for replacement--in fact, brains can't be preserved like other organs in the body.

Some of the nutritional deficiencies that may lead to cerebral degradation/deterioration include vitamin B12, folic acid, etc.

3.  Abuse, misuse or excessive use of prescribed and OTC medications.  The fact is that we're all poisoning ourselves (or being poisoned) with too many chemicals meant to treat symptoms and medical problems we scarcely understand.  The complications, interactions and side-effects taking place is yet another issue to worry about. 

Many of these chemicals have never been tested for long-term (10, 15, 20, or more years) effects, especially in relation to these thousands of other chemicals.  The danger is especially troubling when it comes to synthetic medications.  In general, any synthetic substance can negatively affect the human body (even if no immediate negative impact is felt or seen).

4.  Illegal drugs and other over-used mind-damaging/altering substances (i.e., caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, etc.).  Any of the hundreds of substances in question is capable (especially over a life-time of use) to potentially damage brain cells enough to produce disease--how about all the different potential chemical configurations and interactions achieved with the simultaneous use of several of these chemicals over a period of years? 

We know that each of these substances (i.e., things like methamphetamines, cocaine, heroin, and experimental synthetic drugs that have yet to be closely studied) can greatly negatively affect the brain (sometimes with fatal consequences) in the short run, but it's anyone's guess what they (especially in connection to other ubiquitous toxins) can do to brain cells over a period of 10, 20, 30, 40 or more years! 

5.  Exposure to too much and too many insecticides, pesticides, larvicides, fungicides, and other highly toxic, blatantly-overused "ides."  The scary reality is that we're all being poisoned with the undeniably excessive use of chemicals that have never been properly tested for long-term toxic effects on human beings--not just animals.  Some people forget that the purpose of these chemicals, after all, is to end the life of microorganisms or to greatly disrupt their physiological mechanisms. 

Why is it so farfetched to think that the indiscriminate and ubiquitous use of these killing tools has backfired unpredictably and with far-reaching consequences, such as by inducing chronic diseases like Alzheimer's?

6.  Excessive--often-unknowingly--consumption of aluminum (in vaccines, as an over-used cooking tool, etc.).  Aluminum has been suspected for a while (and has yet to be completely exonerated) of somehow being connected to brain damage, possibly leading to Alzheimer's.

It's no secret that heavy metals have been suspected by many experts of being responsible for the development of serious medical problems, including possible brain dysfunction and incapacitation.

7.  Too much consumption of BVO and other (often-hidden) sources of bromine.  This stuff is strongly suspected of causing damage to brain cells, to the point of possibly being connected to episodes of suicide, depression, schizophrenia, unpredictable violent behavior and other forms of mental health problems. 

It's not unreasonable, therefore, to suggest that this substance may be a contributing factor (if not a direct cause of) to the development of Alzheimer's.

8.  Exposure to cadmium.  This nasty stuff has been on the radar of researchers as a highly-toxic-substance for a long time.  A ubiquitous pollutant, cadmium has been connected to several serious health problems, including cancer and mental deterioration.

9.  Excessive and almost inescapable exposure to fluoride, chlorine, chloramines and other highly toxic chemicals added to drinking water sources; this is further exacerbated by the use of fluoride in toothpaste and other dental hygiene products.  Fluoride, reportedly, was used by the Nazis against Jewish prisoners in order to make them more submissive and bovine.  But, even if you want to leave that sad fact out of your personal history books, there is no question that fluoride is a highly toxic poison with unlimited disease-inducing potential, especially with extensive, long-term use.

Even people who filter their water may still be in danger, if they continue to bathe in or wash their clothes in fluoride-toxic water (or any of the other also-toxic substances being dumped into our water for misrepresented, money-involved-conflicted, and weak-scientific-explanations reasons)

10.  Excessive exposure to/consumption of mercury.  We have known for a long time that mercury can seriously damage brain capacity, which is why its use in dental implants (e.g., amalgam) has been consistently and justifiably condemned by some health experts for years. 

This ubiquitous substance, though, continues to threaten global public health, ostensibly because of its almost inescapable presence in seafood, vaccines and other popular products.

11.  Excessive exposure to lead.  This nasty brain-damaging element was, for the most part, officially removed from paints, gasoline and other popular products because it is so dangerous.  Alas, though, it is still being used in countries (like China) that have no EPA or laws meant to protect public health. 

Consequently, lead still pops in many places, potentially leading to or contributing to chronic ailments like Alzheimer's.

12.  Reactions to or complications related to the excessive number of vaccines now being given to infants & young children; there are also the many mysterious toxic chemicals being found in vaccines for both adults and children.  Although the US government has vowed to greatly reduce or remove thimerosal (the main ingredient of which is mercury) from vaccines, the practice, incredibly, is still being allowed, especially in vaccines for adults. 

But there are other chemicals (especially when given in excessive amounts to less-tolerant infants) in vaccines which, to be blunt, don't belong in vaccines.  Vaccines are a highly profitable product and, as such, will continue to be pushed, even if we could (though some people apparently, out of fear of losing billions of dollars in shameful "profit," don't want to entertain any such evidence) undeniably prove that they are involved in the development of chronic diseases like autism and Alzheimer's. 

13.  Excitotoxins.  If you haven't already, you need to read the book Excitotoxins:  The Taste That Kills by Dr. Russell L. Blaylock.  It is an eye-opening expose of substances that have been known to damage brain cells but have, nevertheless, been continued to be sold because of pure, undeniable financial greed. 

Some of the substances in question include monosodium glutamate (MSG), Aspartame (NutraSweet, an artificial sweetener), etc.  These things, as the book states, "over-excite" brain cells, burn them out and, consequently, induce long-term, irreparable brain damage.

14.  Ridiculously over-consumed refined sugar; the effects are probably exacerbated by over-consumption of fructose and, what may be worse, most artificial sweeteners.  There is no question that we yearly consume more sugar (and other harmful sweeteners) than our bodies need or can safely process. 

We know that its use leads to overweight problems but that may only be the tip of the iceberg.  

15.  Excessive, constant exposure to the many toxic chemicals in personal care & cleaning products used at home and at work.  If more people took stock of the many chemicals they unwittingly unleash into their confined-air homes and work environments, they would no doubt realize what incredible harm they are unnecessarily exposing themselves to. 

Popular, yet-potentially-dangerous products like bleach and ammonia, just to name two, can impart serious harm to your lungs but other organs--like the brain--may also be subject to long-term damage.

16.  An as-yet undetected or confirmed microorganism (mostly likely a virus); there might also be a prion-like malfunctioning protein particle involved (such as is seen in mad cow disease).  We already suspect that certain medical problems (like some forms of cancer, diabetes, CVD, chronic fatigue syndrome, etc.) may in fact be brought about (or exacerbated) by viruses and other as-yet-undetected microorganisms. 

17.  A combination of the many toxic, never-proven-to-be-safe-for-long-term-use chemicals in processed/packaged foods, including the many synthetic dyes, flavors, colors, and preservatives (e.g., "nitrites").  Unfortunately, while they have made food shopping easily-accessible and very convenient, such convenience has come at a heavy, tragic high "price." 

Most processed/packaged food these days is chock-full of all kinds of chemicals which either have never been tested for long-term toxicity and pathology or, even when their disease-inducement capacity has been acknowledged, continue to be used ad infinitum. 

18.  Genetics.  Faulty or damaged genes may play a role in who gets the disease, although that may be said about most, if not all, diseases not involving pathogens or trauma. 


Until we know for sure what is causing Alzheimer's, every conceivable possibility (including mere contributing factors) needs to be considered.  Keeping the door open on such is not only good science, it improves the chances of ever discovering not only the cause but, what's even more important, a cure.

References & Resources 

1.  http://www.minddisorders.com/A-Br/Alzheimer-s-disease.html

2.  https://www.sharecare.com/health/alzheimers-disease-causes/what-causes-alzheimers-disease

3.  http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-124179/Radiation-mobiles-lead-brain-damage.html

4.  https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/could-certain-frequencies/

5.  http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2014/11/06/vitamin-d-deficiency-dementia.aspx

6.  https://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/health-consequences-drug-misuse/neurological-effects

7.  http://sitn.hms.harvard.edu/flash/2015/gmos-and-pesticides/

8.  http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2014/03/22/aluminum-toxicity-alzheimers.aspx

9.  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4427717/

10.  www.mdpi.com/2305-6304/2/2/258/pdf

11.  http://fluoridealert.org/issues/health/brain/

12.  http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2008/03/14/the-danger-of-excessive-vaccination-during-brain-development.aspx

13.  https://www.wellness.com/blog/13280981/20-deadly-things-you-ve-been-told-are-safe-part-1-of-2/fred-fletcher

1/9/2018 8:00:00 AM
Fred Fletcher
Written by Fred Fletcher
Fred Fletcher is a hard working Consumer Advocacy Health Reporter. Education: HT-CNA; DT-ATA; MS/PhD Post-Graduate Certificates/Certifications: • Project Management • Food Safety • HIPAA Compliance • Bio-statistical Analysis & Reporting • Regulatory Medical Writing • Life Science Programs Theses & Dis...
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Without question, humanity is experiencing an unprecedented arsenal of highly toxic things. It's hard to believe that one out of every two human beings right now isn't falling dead on the spot. Alzheimer's is only one of several diseases raging out of control! Well done, mon ami.
Posted by Dr. Dario Herrera

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