Having high blood sugar levels is, as we are nearly all aware today, an issue for our health, and can lead to serious health problems if left untreated. Diabetes requires ongoing management and careful diet to ensure that blood sugar levels are maintained at a manageable and lower level.
Today of course, there are several medicinal treatments to help with blood sugar levels, but for many of us, finding natural ways to lower blood sugar levels is not only preferred, it can help us adopt an overall healthier lifestyle that will have far reaching benefits beyond just blood sugar level maintenance (Heart.org, 2016).
There are plenty of things we can do to naturally regulate our blood sugar levels, and we have picked out the ten best actions to take:
Modern life, both work and play, can become a sedentary existence if we let it, which is why this is right at the top of our list. Not only can a 20-minute walk or cycle, or a few laps of a swimming pool lower blood sugar almost immediately (Warshaw, 2015), but they can contribute to a much healthier life in general. We are not talking about a fitness regime that takes over your life, just walks or cycling for 20 minutes or so, a few times a week. More exercise is better, and using this as a platform to build upon would have many benefits for you, but for blood sugar levels some light exercise really can make a big difference.
Not getting enough sleep, or having poor quality sleep with restless nights, is actually bad for you. Not only do you feel tired but it messes with your body chemistry. A good, restful night of sleep helps your body regulate blood sugar levels more effectively (Semeco, 2016), and if you are having trouble sleeping there are a few things you can do.
Try to ensure that you sleep in a room that is both dark and cool, and if you have an exercise regime, make sure that you finish that at least three hours before you go to bed, preferably longer. Try also to get into a sleep routine, the same time to bed and the same time to wake up each day, your body loves routine.
Stress has a negative effect on your body and can inhibit your ability to regulate blood sugar levels (Warshaw, 2015; Heart.org, 2016). In the modern fast paced world, simply saying ’avoid stress’ is not very helpful though, but there are things you can do.
Practice Tai Chi, this not only helps alleviate stress, it is also great at getting your body moving, something we know also helps considerably with blood sugar. Relaxing in the bath, or making time for a new hobby you enjoy are other routes to destress yourself. Whatever works for you, but don’t ignore the issue, stress really can become a problem.
It may sound contrary, but cutting out meals can actually increase your blood sugar level, so being consistent with your meals is essential. This is especially true of breakfast, as the body has been using stored nutrients while you are asleep, breakfast is for the majority of people the meal we eat after the longest fast we take daily. Eating a balanced breakfast with some carbohydrate content helps the body adjust to waking operation again (Sanchez, 2016).
Just as exercise is important for blood sugar levels as well as general health, weight control is too, and a great way to get control here is to be diligent about portion control. Even the healthiest food can end up being a problem if we eat too much of it, so try to go for smaller portions and avoid ‘saving up’ for one huge meal a day (Semeco, 2016). That makes it more difficult for the body to regulate the digestion process.
Water is good for us, and although it will not lower blood sugar itself, as part of the process it is an essential inclusion. High blood sugar can cause excessive urination, which itself can lead to dehydration creeping up on you very easily (Warshaw, 2015). Drinking plenty of water prevents this, and on top of that, replacing your normal drinks with water provides you with a zero calorie drink alternative, so can help with weight loss too.
Not first on the list of ‘things to eat to help with blood sugar’ for most people, however it can be highly effective. Taking a vinegar drink before a meal can reduce the blood sugar increase, and even make you feel fuller after a high-carbohydrate meal (The Editors of Rodale Wellness, 2015). Avoid balsamic vinegar, which is high in sugars itself, white or apple cider vinegar are better alternatives.
This kind of starch is digested differently, providing plenty of dietary fiber for the body, keeping blood sugar lower (Sanchez, 2016). You can find resistant starch in potatoes that have been backed and then cooled, such as in a potato salad, unripe bananas, beans (a particularly good source), whole grains, corn and cold pasta. While some of those may not be to your taste, adding beans to your salads and meals is an easy and delicious way of getting good levels of resistant starch into your diet.
All carbs are not created equal, and for your carb intake, opting for fresh root vegetables and whole fruits rather than grains can make a big difference (Warshaw, 2015). These kinds of carbs do not bring inflammation or other issues like grain based carbs, so stick to sweet potatoes, carrots, beets and celeriac as well as in-season fresh fruits instead.
Yes, there really is such a thing as healthy fats, and they help with blood sugar levels as well. Fats slow down the absorption of glucose in the body and stop you suffering from sugar highs and lows (Sanchez, 2016). However, fats that are highly processed, such as corn oil, soybean oil, sunflower oil, margarine and so on are not good for you long term and should be avoided. Instead natural butter, egg yolks and coconut oil, products of nature without any other additives, are good for you, in moderation of course.