So, you’ve got a cavity—you can see it, feel it, or maybe your dentist told you about it, but hey, it’s there. The typical treatment for cavities is to go to the dentist and get that nasty little hole filled in with a synthetic substance that’s not natural to our mouths. Do you really need to see the dentist to heal your cavity?
The Thing Is…
That dentists aren’t really healing your cavity but putting that stuff in there. Sure, they’re halting the decay process, but there’s an underlying problem that that cavity came from and it needs to be addressed, otherwise cavities will just keep happening. Normally people who have cavities have several cavities. You know some of these people, right? Don’t be one of them. The thing is, you can naturally heal your cavities. Our bodies are these amazing things, and they have the ability to hurt themselves as well as heal themselves. Healing cavities starts with your diet, so here’s what you can do:
Why Is Diet So Important?
Your body depends on your diet. The worse your diet is, the more likely you are to get health problems in life, and some of them happen at a young age rather than an old one. Your teeth need to last you for life (well, so does your body, but that’s for another time!) so taking good care of them important. By incorporating self-healing into your wellness journey, you can help heal your current cavities and prevent future ones. While saying goodbye to sugar can be hard, saying goodbye to synthetic mouth fillers rocks!
Your vitamin and mineral intake can severely impact your oral health. It’s best to get tested to see if you have any deficiencies or food intolerances and to see what you can do about them. Of course brushing and flossing are important, but diet is even more important when it comes to your teeth.
What Else Can You Do?
Ditching that fluoride toothpaste can help you, believe it or not. Brushing with homemade toothpaste or natural toothpaste can benefit your smile. If you’ve never heard of oil pulling, now is a great time to check it out! Oil pulling is an old practice that reaps benefits for your mouth by removing harmful bacteria. This is best done first thing in the morning before your regular brushing routing. Coconut oil and sesame oil are popular oils for this. These oils can help nourish and heal your cavities and keep your teeth looking great!
Visiting the dentist is important to help prevent problems, but the truth is that you can do most of these things on your own with the right knowledge, resources, and information. Talk with your doctor about getting tested for vitamin and mineral deficiencies, and change your mouth for the better! Naturally heal those cavities and prevent them from happening ever again.