Last October I took my son to the dentist. As I reached for my credit card to pay, I noticed a big bowl filled with small candy bars sitting next to the receptionist's desk. "Really!?" I asked. "This is a dentist." The receptionist seemed unphased.
Fall definitely has a dark side, and no, I don't just mean shorter days. Halloween initiates the high-sugar impact season that begins in early October and ends New Year's Day, when you reluctantly agree to go cold-turkey off sugar.
I'm especially aware how challenging Halloween can be with kids. You don't want to deprive them, but neither will you allow them to slip into a sugar coma. This year, let's shift perspective and make Halloween fun rather than just a candy-drenched fiesta.
If you need a jolt, visit your local haunted house but steer clear of the candy corn and other high-sugar impact debacles with these five strategies:
- Don't let it in your house. Having candy and other high-sugar impact foods in the kitchen (or wherever you keep your secret stash) becomes a blatant invitation to "sample" a few bites (and you know how that ends). Don't allow the enemy into your house and you won't succumb to 11 p.m. weaknesses. No food traps mean no morning-after regrets.
- Make it hard. If your kids attempt a coup d'etat when you resist their overindulging, skip the soft chewy stuff and choose hard candies like lollipops that take longer to eat.
- Observe the 3-bite rule. If a Halloween concoction becomes sample-worthy (most aren't), you needn't abstain, but neither should you mindlessly partake. Sample three polite bites - we're talking about how you would eat on national TV, not during an 11 p.m. fridge raid - and step away from the stash. Be aware about food intolerances, and note that a few bites of Halloween candy often becomes a slippery slope. Proceed accordingly!
- Eat every 4 - 6 hours. Before they head out to collect their stash, make a rule your kids must eat dinner that includes lean protein, non-starchy veggies, a good starch like legumes or quinoa, and health fat. They'll be far less likely to devour half the plastic candy-loaded jack o' lantern before they return home.
- Host your own. Want to really control what your kids consume? Have a party and serve hot cider with cinnamon-dusted warm almonds, and apple or celery slices with almond butter. Create fun games, put on a scary movie (or maybe just It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown), and maybe go old-school with apple bobbing.
I realize how challenging curbing sugar consumption can become during the holidays, especially if you've got kids. The candy-everywhere thing has become out of control, right? Share your strategies below or on my Facebook page about how to control cravings so a few bites of something doesn't become a sugar overload.
Celebrity Nutrition & Fitness Expert JJ Virgin helps clients lose weight fast by breaking free from food intolerances and crushing their sugar cravings. She is author of New York Times Bestsellers The Virgin Diet: Drop 7 Foods, Lose 7 Pounds, Just 7 Days, The Virgin Diet Cookbook: 150 Easy and Delicious Recipes to Lose W...
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