'Healthy' food choices sure are a big topic these days. So many choices...
Choices create problems because food is more than nourishment; it plays a huge part in our sense of daily enjoyment. The problem seems to be rooted in our sense of smell and tastebuds that apparently have a direct link to our brains and emotions.
There's plenty of information out there that informs us what to eat and what not to eat. We can 'know' what food is good for us and even try to eat more of it for awhile. Right up to the point that we feel somehow emotionally deprived and whammo! We go for the food that brought us comfort sometime in our past.
A more lasting approach to changing our diet to a healthier one is to first decide on some good strong motivations for doing that. If we can feel passion for the reasons we want to eat more healthfully, that passion will be there to also fill our emotional banks when they're challenged....and they will be. We're human.
My own personal reasons are 1) I'm already in my 60's and I come from a really disappointing gene pool...longevity wise. 2) I have a pile of children and grandchildren and I want to see how they turn out. 3) I finally met a man who I actually can stand to live with for the next few decades. 4) My clothes are uncomfortable when I'm up a few pounds and I don't want to move to a nudist colony.
Those are my motivations for making healthy food choices...more often than not. What's yours?