I don't mean to come off sounding like a temperance basher - everyone ha a right to live...or undermine...their own life in their own way. But this article is, quite bluntly, crap! There is only one way to avoid hangover - avoid alcohol. Or at least drink it in moderation. Over the years, I and many of my friends have pretty much tried it all - ways to avoid hangover, ways to avoid failing urinalysis after drug usage, etc... wives tails, so-called "suggested medical solutions" etc... and the only thing that ever worked the way it was hoped to work was - quite simply - abstinence.
Now I don't care who does or does not abstain. I didn't care to hear that from anyone when I wanted to party and I don't want to be trying to enforce it now. Frankly I don't give a damn how sick you feel the morning after, or how close you come to dying because of alcohol poisoning or drug overdose - that is between you, your family and your medical team...and God if you're inclined to believe that way. And just as frankly, if you party and get out of control (and particularly if you do so habitually), you deserve whatever pain and discomfort you experience, regardless how close to death it feels - or might actually be. My only concern is for the car you run off the road, or the person you run down or if your partying creates problems for your family members. But beyond that - have all the fun you think you're having until the day after and the lousy sick feelings set in.
I'm simply saying...neither diet, nor avoiding dehydration, nor special beverages before the party, nor any other idiotic wives tale or so called medical suggestion will help you avoid hangover - if you are prone to experiencing hangover in the first place (not everyone is). The only way to avoid hangover and other party related consequences is to avoid the party. There are other ways to celebrate a holiday, of which St. Patrick's Day is among the dumbest - most people have zero idea who, or even IF St. Patrick really was or what he did, and March 17 is just another excuse to have a party - as if people who know how to party need an excuse...I personally don't need any excuse to turn any day - or moment of a day - into a celebration and find joy, happiness, contentment and reason for celebration. And I no longer need to use drugs or alcohol to celebrate.
Posted by Ken S.