I am currently atteding school <url removed> University of phoenix. I am a minister, and the name of the ministry is: " I can go the distance." This ministry Causes me to go out into the community, meet, and talk to new and old people alike.I want to do this as long as possible,and I know I need to take care of myself. For years I neglected my health, and had to face some pit-falls last year, because of this neglect. To continue doing this, I really need to be more health conscious. I am not as healthy as I would like to be, but hopefully being a member of rev wellness will aid in helping me get there. My major is, The Art of Concentration Communication. For a very long time I was looking for a program to aid or asist me in my communication skills, and I found the right program at, The University of phoenix. Currently I am enjoying my classes, and I will obtain my degree, along with being a healthier me.
Hometown: Indianola, Ms United States
Occupation: Self Employed
Interests: My interests are: caring for the elderly, asisting students in grade school with reading and comprehension,and I like attending town’s meetings.
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