I grew up in Minnesota. Graduated from the University of Minnesota School of Dentistry in 1984 and immediately began practiceing in the U.S. Army Dental corps. In 1990 I started Woodland Dental Care in Hazelwood, MO. In 2005 Woodland Dental Care moved into a new building at 1133 Howdershell Road and has become a modern full service dental care with an excellent reputation in our community. Family comes first of course. I have two daughters that are currently in high school and my wife ia also a dentist.
Hometown: Hazelwood, MO United States
Occupation: Dentist
Interests: The family likes vacations the best!! I also enjoy several time consuming hobbies. I have a large marine aquarium at home and also like to restore old cars. One of the cars happens to be a race car that gets raced when I can find the time.
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