Gegen Law Firm
3109 Hennepin Ave S.
Minneapolis, MN 55408, United States
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Minneapolis Criminal Defense Attorney Nick Gegen - has more than 21 years of Courtroom Criminal Trial experience Nick Gegen, Attorney is an Affordable experienced Criminal Defense Attorney who represents people in the Metro and throughout the state. Nick Gegen at the Gegen Law Firm has won trials in every kind of case from a Speeding Ticket offense to Murder. His trial skills allow him to negotiate excellent plea-bargains as well. St. Paul Criminal Lawyer Nick Gegen is a ""tough"" attorney who will not back down to prosecutors and force a client to plead guilty. In fact, one Ramsey County Judge called him a ""little pitbull"" who won't give up. Nick Gegen's attitude has always been tough and aggressive inside and outside of the Courtroom as well. He is a former National Free-Style Wrestling Champion and also participated in some cage-fighting matches at the age of 45. Any Lawyer can call themselves ""tough"" - Nick's history and background prove it.
Hometown: Minneapolis, MN United States
Occupation: owner
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