I graduated from Johnson County Community College Therapeutic Massage Program in 2003.
Assessment of your personal goals for your massage is essential.
The ability to warm a "grumpy" muscle before trying to break up the tension is an art. It allows a therapist to penetrate a muscle with less discomfort to you and be more productive in addressing the painful areas you may be walking around with day to day.
Trusting your massage therapist is key to productive bodywork. There is a fine line between productive pressure and painful pressure. There are circumstances that require deeper pressure that can be uncomfortable, however, that needs to be at your own pace not the massage therapists.
In my experience, there are clients that respond well to a more nurturing pressure, and there are clients that need a more direct approach. If your like me, it depends on the day as to what kind of pressure works. We are all individaul, and it is my goal to work WITH you to find what is right for you!
Hometown: Lenexa, Ks United States
Occupation: Licensed Massage Therapist
Interests: When I was young, I was riding my bicycle and got hit by a car. The driver was going 50+ miles an hour, and needless to say I was lucky to walk away from that accident without any broken bones. I did have severe whiplash, and a bit knot on my head. Agter going through physical therapy, and recieving chiropractic treatment my Mom took me a massage therapist. That was 25 years ago, and I can say that nothing helps me manage my pain better than massage. I am not only a massage therapist, I am a believer in the benefits of massage from my own experience. I am very blessed to be working in a profession that I am absolutely passionate about!
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