Classical styles of acupuncture provide a truly individualistic approach in treating someones health concerns.
The True Acupuncture style relies on classical philosophies of detailed pulse taking & precise point location to maximize therapeutic results with minimal number of needles.
Our bodies & energetic system provide so much information, if we only know how to understand it all.
Chinese Herbal Medicine is a superb compliment to acupuncture treatments, again, when necessary. It is better to understand a persons energetic disharmonies via acupuncture first, without having the herbs interfere with the pulses. Once this is established, herbs can be added with great results.
And of course, please do not forget Cosmetic Acupuncture! Who wouldn't want to regain the youthful glow after a series of natural, cost-effective, non-invasive treatments that takes care of the whole you?
Feeling great from the inside out is, indeed, a possibility!
Hometown: Centennial, CO United States
Occupation: Licensed Acupuncturist & Herbalist in CO
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