How can I hurt myself? Let me count the ways. But first let me distinguish between hurting myself and abusing myself. Hurting myself - self-harm is a term commonly used for physically abusing oneself by cutting, self inflicting blows, pulling out hair (Trichotillomania) skin or nails, starving or food misuse, extreme piercing, or purposely burning ones' self. Abusing myself - self-abuse covers the...
12/21/2013 6:32:59 AM
While taken seriously enough to be a legally reportable offense categorized alongside child abuse as either a misdemeanor or a felony - elder abuse does not seem to be taken as seriously by the public. Perhaps elders do not appear to be as helpless as children, but many times they are. And if helplessness is the yardstick, how does it account for the fact that domestic violence, which is not legally...
12/21/2013 6:31:26 AM
I have always enjoyed therapy with couples. It is stimulating, interactive work and can create dramatic change quickly. By strengthening a couples' communication pattern, you not only help them to improve their relationship, but help them to learn more about themselves and what drives their behavior. And as with individual therapy, if the clients are motivated to change, they will. But after years...
12/21/2013 6:30:49 AM
We all come into relationships with past issues. Trust, ability to be intimate, anger management, mental and physical health limitations and childhood trauma are among the most common. Each issue colors, although in a different way, how we deal with current stressors and disagreements. This article will look at how having a partner who has survived childhood abuse (sexual, emotional, physical) can...
12/21/2013 6:29:25 AM
When I began working in this field many years ago, I was told that if I hadn't already picked a specialization, it would pick me. And that is exactly what happened. I worked in a non-profit clinic where we had big caseloads, having to see many more people each week than one would ordinarily see in private practice. Within weeks I realized that a significant number of the people I met with had been...
12/21/2013 6:28:38 AM
Sexual abuse of children is not a new problem, nor have the statistics changed. "1 in 4 girls is sexually abused before the age of 14; 1 in 6 boys is sexually abused before the age of 16." (Hopper, J. (1998). Child Sexual Abuse: Statistics, Research, & Resources. Boston, MA Boston University School of Medicine.) This issue is as old as time, but we are finally paying attention to it in a new way. Whether...
12/21/2013 6:26:39 AM
Group therapy can be the most nurturing and also the most challenging form of therapy. It is highly effective. While it doesn't replace individual therapy, it can be a great adjunct and a final step in the healing process. Group therapy is very relevant for survivors of childhood abuse and in fact for any traumatized individual. Isolation and separation from communal support is a primary characteristic...
12/21/2013 6:26:05 AM
It doesn't always happen. But it happens to a large enough degree that it can be referred to as commonplace. A number of studies indicate that between 30 - 70% of young abusers (physical or sexual) have been sexually abused themselves (Bentovim and Williams 1998). Statistics on adult abusers who were sexually abused as children are lower - approximately 10 - 22%. However, I suspect that a much larger...
12/21/2013 6:25:10 AM
There are an increasing number of psychology articles and books dealing with covert incest, otherwise known as emotional incest. This form of incest is described as a relationship where a parent turns a child into a partner or confidante that is inappropriate to the child's age and life experience. Or to put it another way, when a child is manipulated into the role of a surrogate wife or husband by...
12/21/2013 6:22:27 AM
Inspired by the life of Lana Wachowski: Gender is defined as a set of characteristics, masculine, feminine or neuter, while Gender Identity is a persons sense of and private experience of their own gender. Transgender suggests that the state of ones gender identity does not match ones assigned sexual gender, usually based on physical characteristics, anatomy. Our society delineates gender as a sexual...
12/21/2013 6:21:09 AM