“Experience & Skill Matter!”
With free spirited energy, gentle humor & creative ideas - former teacher/consultant/kinesiologist, Diane Carlisle is an experienced, compassionate self-help & EFT coach. Lover of people, pets & plants, Diane does not claim to be a healer, because she believes that true healing comes from within. Visit her web: <url removed>
As a professional trainer/speaker, she has over 30 years of teaching experience in the wellness, business & academic world. Also a graduate of Seminar Network International - school of therapeutic massage & allied modalities & REIKI master, Diane experiences that most people find incredible & fast relief using EFT.
Diane M. Carlisle, SK, MT, EFT-ADV is passionate about integrating Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) into daily living at home, work & at school. She says: " Touch is natural. Relief from stress is always at your finger tips in any situation - when you actually tap & use EFT!" She has been working professionally in the natural wellness industry for more than three decades as a self-help coach, educational consultant, massage therapist & energy worker. Nothing delights her more than seeing the emotional freedom on a client’s face after an EFT session.
Because many people are feeling touch starved & yet are often fearful of touch, Diane believes that people need to be coached & taught to touch themselves & others with supportive care & integrity, rather than avoiding touch out of fear. Using EFT is one answer to this issue around touching.
Diane graduated from Stratford Teachers College in elementary education & from St. Francis Xavier University in Adult Education. She has always been interested in personal ecology - the care of the mind/body/spirit. As a teacher, she noticed that many children had learning blocks seemingly caused by energy imbalances, allergies & unresolved emotional issues causing lack of whole brain function. She discovered that traditional special education did not seem to go deeply enough to bring these students relief. Her lifelong passion is to support people to transform their stress, pain or conflict into their positive potential & to discover exciting opportunity. With an attitude of success they will take better care of themselves at all levels & then can notice the world around them to have a higher standard of care about our planet. Working with adults & children, she lives with a passionate commitment of making life better on this planet by guiding others to reduce the ravages of stress through her innovative style of self-help sessions & group programs.
Diane has a rich curiosity about wholeness of the mind/body/spirit that has led her to study various energy psychology modalities such as: Emotional Freedom Techniques, Brain Gym (R), Touch for Health, Therapeutic Massage, Craniosacral Therapy, Specialized kinesiology, Reiki Master & NLP. She is a graduate of Seminar Network International, School of Therapeutic Massage & Allied Modalities. Diane is a lifelong learner, a true seeker offering a rich & varied background in many modalities.
Diane also works as a special education teacher, pet therapist, seminar leader & consultant. You are in good care when you experience her skills! She shares her wisdom generously with all those who have a passionate interest in self-help, making their lives better & perhaps even just a bit magical - naturally.
Hometown: Ann Arbor, MI United States
Occupation: Self-help coach & massage therapist
Interests: nature,tennis,prosperity,pets,people plants,passionate about my work
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