My credentials include:
The Natural Healing Arts School of Massage Therapy, Tupelo Mississippi;
California College of Physcial Arts, Hunington Beach CA.
I am a Nationally Certified Massage Therapist & Body Worker, NCBTMB #572589-09.
Further education in body work includes, Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT), YogaWest, Huston Texas.
My business is based on the belief that my customers' needs are of the utmost importance. I am committed to meeting those needs. If you have any questions regarding Massage Therapy please ask.
I welcome the opportunity to earn your trust and deliver you the best service in the town.
Hometown: Tupelo, MS United States
Occupation: Massage Therapist
Interests: Massage Therapy is not only my choice of profession, it is also one of my joys in life! Other sources of joy are my family, friends, healthful foods, and practicing/teaching Yoga at The Yoga Center in Tupelo. I like to stay healthy and happy, so I can help others be healthy and happy too!
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