I have been a Licensed Professional Counselor since 1992 having conducted individual, marriage, family, and singles counseling for over 20 years. I have a Masters in Marriage & Family Counseling and a Bachelors in Psychology. I have worked in private practice since 1992; in psychiatric hospitals, for insurance companies, with EAP companies, for psychiatrist, in schools, and with social services agencies. I provide assessment, diagnostic testing and evaluation as well as counseling. I also provide consulting services for companies who need services. My goal is to provide an understanding and therapeutic and understanding environment and give hope and healing to those in feeling pain or suffering.
Hometown: Houston, TX United States
Occupation: Professional Counselor
Interests: I help out at homeless shelters; volunteer for church related activities; volunteer for a softball league; love to scuba dive; travel and provide singles counseling to those in need of support and counseling.
Yvette Hand, MA, LPC hasn't written any posts.