Naturopathic Medicine for Bipolar Disorder (Manic Depression)
A variety of problems can cause symptoms of bipolar disorder, depression, or anxiety, including hormonal irregularities, physical or emotional stress, neurotransmitter imbalances, vitamin deficiencies, and many other causes. As a naturopathic doctor, I am committed to finding the underlying cause...
3 Things You Can Do To Get Off Prozac
If you are taking Prozac or another antidepressant, and want to find a natural alternative that is non-addictive and does not have side effects, here are a few tips from an expert in natural medicine for mood disorders. 1. Feed your brain with healthy nutrients. Your brain needs specific vitamins...
Are You Fatigued? Your Adrenal Hormones May Be the Cause
Your adrenal glands are located above your kidneys, and are responsible for producing hormones to control stress, blood pressure, and reproduction. If you are under significant stress for an extended period of time (more than a week), your adrenal glands can start to have difficulty producing eno...
Fatigue, Depression, Anxiety, Weight Gain... Could Your Thyroid Be The Problem?
The thyroid gland is located in the front of your throat, and produces hormones that keep your body energized, warm, and boost your metabolism. If your thyroid gland cannot produce enough thyroid hormone (a condition called hypothyroidism), you will start to feel fatigued, sluggish, cold, and are...
Is There a Natural Alternative To Your Depression or Anxiety Medication?
By Tara Peyman, ND Approximately 50 million Americans will struggle with depression or anxiety throughout their life. Depression is now the leading cause of disability in the United States among children and adults age 15-44. If you or someone you know is affected by depression or anxiety, you kn...