I am a Swiss-born Italian, came to America in my teens. I am married to a wonderful man and have 4 children. My passions are my family, my friends, cooking, excercise, spirituality and a healthy lifestyle.
My profession is yoga, and my greatest interest is yoga. I have been practicing yoga since I was badly injured over 11 years ago. Yoga became my foundation for mental strength, abatement of pain, and physical rehabilitaion. Gaining all of my life back, I endeavored to learn as much as possible and pass it on to as many people as possible. My business is described best on my two websites: <url removed>, and <url removed>
Yoga is a serious lifestyle and serious therapy to me, and
I love to meet and converse with new people about it.
Hometown: Mission Viejo, CA United States
Occupation: Yoga Instructor
Interests: Teachng and performing Yoga, cooking healthy, time with my Husband and my children, hiking, the beach, studying Ayurvedic practices, travel to the tropics and Europe, my pet Sheltie named Harley, riding my Husband’s Harley Sportster 1200 Custom(!)
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