Gardens Home Management provides a one-stop shop for all of your maintenance and management needs with services ranging from home-watch to hurricane preparedness to window washing and pressure cleaning. Trust is the most important aspect when it comes to your home-watch company. We have a home-watch program unlike anyone else out there. When we are at your home completing the home-watch you will receive a report filled with pictures showing you what was checked and letting you know if any issues were found. This report is emailed to you and date/time stamped.
Gardens Home Management Services strives to provide complete customer satisfaction as we are at your service around the clock but pride ourselves on being easy to do business with. No matter the circumstance, you can rest assured that you and your home will be taken care of. Whether you use us for HomeWatch to handyman services and everything in between our goal is to give you the peace-of-mind that you deserve. We are fully licensed, bonded & insured as are the vendors we work with to make sure that you and your home are fully protected.
Keywords: Home Care Pro - Contact Gardens Home Management Services for a free Consultation
Address: 9123 N Military Trl, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, 33403, USA
Phone: 561-625-5700
Website: <url removed>/
Business Email:
Hometown: Palm Beach Gardens, FL United States
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