Are you ready to take your life, your career, yourSELF to the next level and DEVELOP into the person you always wanted to be? If yes is your answer, it's time for a MindSet ReSet! How do you do that? By learning new skills and building strengths. When you rid yourself of limiting beliefs, anything you want in life becomes possible. However, you can't change what you aren't conscious of/don't know...that's where I come in. I will help you ReWrite your Story through a very guided, proven process that I created called SELF ReClaimed, a Self-Empowerment Toolkit.
Hometown: Springfield, Missouri USA
Occupation: Development Coach at Thriveology
Interests: In addition to the psychological element; neurology & biology are just as important. As the Neuro-Link USA Regional Corporate Partner, I offer brain-based development coaching/assessments. I am also a provider of the Fisher Wallace brain device that stimulates the brain to produce neurochemicals required for healthy mood and I am trained in Dr. McBride's 5 step recovery model for adult children of Narcissistic parents.
Nicole Kimmel, Ph.D. hasn't written any posts.