Looking to up your game in the New Year? Improving your diet can have a huge, (even life-saving) effect on your health. Even making small changes can pay off big in terms of weight loss, in your ability to fight infection, prevent depression and feel enthused and energetic.Hundreds of studies have looked at the relationship between eating whole plant foods and chronic diseases such as cardiovascular...
1/10/2018 8:00:00 AM
What Should I Eat?We are constantly bombarded with health information, but it is often useless information. With just a click of a mouse we can learn all about the current fad diets, or read about the newest surgical weight-loss procedure, or lose weight by using smaller plates, or view an advertisement for the latest low-fat snack, portioned for ‘convenience’ in 100-calorie packages. None of this...
12/21/2017 8:00:00 AM
The holiday season can be especially challenging for those who wish to eat healthfully. But your health goals should not fall by the wayside each November until well after the New Year begins. Employing these helpful strategies can allow you to follow through on your commitment to improve your health and achieve your overall goals. Plan Ahead and follow through with your commitment to eat healthfully....
11/22/2017 8:00:00 AM
Are you being bombarded with reminders to get a flu shot? Welcome to fall and winter. Whether you decide to get a flu shot or not is a personal decision that depends on your risk of complications from influenza, but regardless of that decision, there are other strategies to employ that will offer protection against illness.Achoo!Whether it is at your doctor’s office, visiting your grandkids, or at...
10/30/2017 7:00:00 AM
Don’t let your blended breakfast drink be just an excuse to indulge in a morning dessert. Fresh and frozen fruits are healthful foods, but packing your smoothie with tons of fruit doesn’t do your body good. Too many people assume that their morning smoothie is nutritious when it’s not. Let me explain.Delicious smoothies are made by blending a mixture of fruits, nuts or seeds, and raw leafy greens....
7/24/2017 9:00:00 PM
Misinformation abounds about nutrition. Half of those in a 2012 poll said they believed it was easier to do their taxes than it is to figure out how to eat healthfully. Not surprisingly the survey, commissioned by the International Food Information Council and Foundation, also showed that those most in need of learning about how to eat healthfully were the most likely to be confused. Those who were...
6/15/2017 7:00:00 AM
Childhood is one of the most crucial times of development and growth. So when I see a trend like unicorn food, I tend to wonder what we are doing to our kids. For the uninformed, the trend is to decorate food with colorful dyes or colored sprinkles or marshmallows to give it a whimsical look. This could happen to a cupcake, a drink or a piece of toast. Children would be better served if we put more...
6/15/2017 7:00:00 AM
If you are feeling as gray as the winter sky, try boosting your diet to elevate your mood. The connection between diet and mood is often overlooked. However, a change in diet can be an effective method to chase away the winter blues. Even in those who suffer a mood disorder, such as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) or depression, natural methods can help alleviate those symptoms.To Feel Better Eat...
3/8/2017 7:02:51 AM
We all get older — but we can decide how we want to age. The process of aging can be accompanied by chronic diseases such as atherosclerosis, hypertension, memory impairment and diabetes, but aging itself is not the primary cause of these common illnesses; the cause is predominately one’s diet. Those types of diseases develop over many years of eating a less than ideal diet.In this, as in other developed...
2/9/2017 10:59:32 PM
Do you have type 2 diabetes and want to improve your health – or even reverse the disease - but don’t have a clue where to begin in order to accomplish that goal? Then read on.Most people with type 2 diabetes feel overwhelmed upon their diagnosis. That is completely understandable. There is a lot to consider: Blood sugar monitoring, the glycemic index, complications, , the directions for taking different...
2/9/2017 8:00:00 AM