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Musculoskeletal Medicine Remove
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PRP Remove
Protein Rich Plasma Injections (PRP) send condensed nutrients from the patient's blood to damaged tissue, causing more rapid healing and often preventing more invasive surgical procedures.
Prolotherapy Remove
Prolotherapy entails the injection of dextrose and lidicane into an area of damaged tissue. This irritation temporarily increases swelling, causing the body to accelerate deposits of collagen and to heal more quickly and more completely.
Hyalgan viscosupplementation Remove
Hyalgan viscosupplementation
A naturally derived substance called hyaluronan relieves pain by lubricating and cushioning your knee joint. It is a natural chemical found in the body and is present in a particularly high amount in joint tissues and in the fluid that fills the joint (also called synovial fluid).
Osteopathic Manipulation Remove
Osteopathic Manipulation
Osteopathic Manipulation Treatment (OMT) is a system of hands-on techniques used by osteopathic physicians to alleviate pain and correct structural changes in the body.
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Muscle pain Remove
Muscle pain
A healthy musculoskeletal system requires two things: normal nerve function and fluids that circulate freely. Structural blockages caused by damage to bones and/or surrounding tissues impair the musculoskeletal system, causing pain, loss of motion and illness.
Knee: Meniscus and Cartilage Tears Remove
Knee: Meniscus and Cartilage Tears
Meniscus & Cartilage Tears - the meniscus is the specialized cartilage contained in the knee. It becomes weaker with age and is often damaged during rotation or twisting of the knee. This results in swelling, acute pain and potential locking of the knee joint.
Knee: Ligament Damage Remove
Knee: Ligament Damage
Damaged ligaments release substances that cause pain and shortening of the tissue around the joint. If scar tissue forms, it is less elastic than normal tissue and gets worse the longer the knee is immobile. It's important to restore movement as soon as possible to encourage blood flow to the area and keep joint fluid from becoming thick and sticky.
Osgood's Schlatters Remove
Osgood's Schlatters
This inflammation occurs in growing teenagers who play a lot of sports. A very painful lump forms on the front surface of the knee just below the kneecap. Osteopathy can help as this condition is often due to very tight and overused quadriceps (thigh) muscles.
Shoulder Pain Remove
Shoulder Pain
The shoulder is a large ball and socket joint composed of three bones: the scapula, the clavicle and the humerus. This joint provides a great deal of power for an athlete that requires strong arm motion like a baseball player, a swimmer or a gymnast.
Once the shoulder is injured, you may experience weakness, soreness and a popping sound you can hear when you try to use your shoulder. After the damage has occurred, the body may try to stabilize the joint by developing bone spurs.
Left untreated, the decreased flexibility can result in the formation of scar tissue and a painful "frozen shoulder."
Hip Pain Remove
Hip Pain
The bursae are the fluid-filled sacs that cushion the joint. When the bursae become inflamed, you will have pain on the outside of your leg from the hip to the knee. It will become painful after walking or sitting and will hurt to lie on. This can be caused by muscle weakness in the lower limbs, a difference in leg length, disc degeneration in the back, or misalignment in the pelvis.
Sports Injuries Remove
Sports Injuries
Sports Injuries can be the result of an accident, poor training, or using the wrong gear. You can also get hurt if you fail to stretch or warmup before engaging in the sport or exercise.
Common injuries include:
sprains and strains
swollen muscles
achilles tendon injuries
knee injuries
pain along the shins
Back Pain Remove
Back Pain
Back pain can range from mild discomfort that is tiring to acute pain that is debilitating. Sometimes a minor strain can cause more pain than expected and take longer to heal than an outright injury.
Pain doesn't always develop immediately following an injury because the body is very good at adapting to strains and stress. However, the injured area will cause strain to build up over time and eventually symptoms will develop. That's why injuries from the past can still cause current pain: the body has reached its limit!
Elbow Pain Remove
Elbow Pain
The most common injuries to the elbow are from repetitive motion. When the tendon that attaches the muscle to the bone becomes damaged, it can become very tender and might even develop micro-tears. And because there is poor blood supply to this area, healing can take a long time.
Over-use of the tendon can happen any time you use your arm a lot - as in gardening, painting, working on the computer or lifting and carrying things. But the two most frequent complaints are due to "tennis elbow" or "golfer's elbow."
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