I was extremely anxious about coming in to have my mouth examined, especially knowing there were significant issues that would need to be addressed. My anxiety has kept me from walking through the door a number of times prior to finally meeting with Dr. B and Victoria. I am so happy I mustered the courage, and am on my way to a healthy mouth again. Their sincerity and professional yet kind/supportive explanation of my treatment plan is appreciated immensely. Having just finished with my first procedure of my treatment plan, I can walk out of this office with the confidence to walk back in, eager now to proceed. During this procedure, originally planned as a root canal and crown, it was determined that the former was not currently necessary. While this news was obviously relieving to me, Dr. B's honesty and integrity won me over. Victoria did a fantastic job creating my crown, and even encouraged me to watch (in fascination). These two women are an exceptional team, and I am happy to be in their care.