Thomas Hewko, D.C.

Thomas Hewko, D.C.
Hewko Chiropractic Care 1111 North Bristol Street Suite J Santa Ana, CA 92703
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Consumer Feedback

(16 Reviews)
4 star average for Service
4.5 star average for Environment
4 star average for Expertise
4.5 star average for Staff
3 star average for Recommended
5 star average for Value
Did you feel like your pain was lessened after your chiropractic treatment?
Yes, I felt better than I've felt in years when I left!
by Anonymous
September 01, 2012
After your appointment with this chiropractor, were you still skeptical that the treatment would be effective?
Yes! I definitely didn't think I'd see positive results
Did you feel safe in this provider's care?
Did your treatments with this chiropractor eliminate your need for pain medication?
Yes, I no longer need pain medication and I feel better than I've ever felt
Were the staff members able to answer your questions?
Yes, they were able to answer my questions
Does this provider use current and safe equipment?
by Anonymous
February 23, 2011
The office was easy enough to find. The restrooms at this provider's office were clean and well-maintained. You could tell that they cleaned them regularly. They make sure to treat all their clients equally and without favoritism. I've always hated it when I've seen favoritism going on at other places I've visited. It's nice that it doesn't happen here. I love that I can count on them to work with me until they find a solution for my situation. Other places I've visited, seem to give up after they don't have an answer for me the first time, but not here.
by Lezli
February 16, 2011
Wow, please think twice about this doctor of chiropratic. He does not cover him patients by carrying malpractice insurance. Dr. Hewko injured me15 years ago while his practice was still in Costa Mesa. I was 25 years old at the time. Due to his rough approach to chiropratic, he injured my neck. I was originally diagnosed with cervical neuritis and 2 herniated discs - the next morning after the adjustment by Dr. Hewko. I awoke at 8:00 am and could not get out of bed, I could not stand up (my spine could not hold my body weight - for 6 months I could not stand up. I was unable to return to full time work for 2 years. I saw an attorney, and was told after the attoney's investigation, Dr. Hewko had all of his assets protected, and getting anything from him in a lawsuit was impossible. Interestingly his office lost my patient chart, could not find my x-rays......pretty darn shady!!!!!unbelievable!!! I am now 40 years old and have had a LIFE filled with pain, physical therapy, 2400 mg of ibuprophen is now what i take during the day and narcotic pain meds in the evening. I refuse to be foggy headed during the day. I refuse to take nerve pain meds, because I don't want to feel groggy and out of it. SO, AS YOU CAN TELL, MY ENTIRE LIFE FOR THE LAST 15 YEARS + MY FUTURE, HAVE BEEN FOREVER ALTERED DUE TO DR. THOMAS HEWKO. He never once acknowledged injuring me, NEVER OFFERED AN APPOLOGY. I am fairly confident I am not the only person he has injured. His judgement day will come, for his own good I hope he turns his life around.
by ouch
February 05, 2011
The purpose of this review is to let others know of the character of Thomas Hewko D.C. before they do business with him and to also put a little more pressure on him to pay me the money he owes me.

Thomas Hewko D.C. has offices at 2800 Warner ave. suite C, Santa Ana 92704 and inside the Bristol Marketplace at 1204 S.E. Bristol street, D-5 Santa Ana.

He bought my practice in the Pomona Valley Indoor Swap Meet on
January 25, 2008. He signed a written agreement and was to pay the balance by January 30 for a 2K discount (incentive to pay) or the balance was to be paid in full by March 1, 2008. January 30 came and went without any payment. He gave lots of "reasons" for not having the money and told me several stories about what he was doing to get it. Today is May 6th and still no money. Not even a good faith payment. So my next step is small claims court and then turning over the judgment to a collection agency. Any one interested in collecting this account (6K plus interest) as I do not have the time or energy to continue chasing him.
by MikeH
January 01, 2010
Wow, please think twice about this doctor of chiropratic. He does not cover him patients by carrying malpractice insurance. Dr. Hewko injured by 15 years ago while his practice was still in Costa Mesa. I was 25 years old at the time. Due to his rough approach to chiropratic, he injured my neck. I was originally diagnosed with cervical neuritis and 2 herniated discs - the next morning after the adjustment by Dr. Hewko. I awoke at 8:00 am and could not get out of bed, I could not stand up (my spine could not hold my body weight - was very thin also) for 6 months. I was unable to return to full time work for 2 years. I saw an attorney, and was told after the attoney's investigation, Dr. Hewko had all of his assets protected, and getting anything from him in a lawsuit was impossible. My injury stabilized and i was able to go on with life fairly normal, although I never regained feeling in my lefhand. I was able to have 1 child (at 29 years old) although when she was 3 (i was then 32 yrs old) original injury and become "degenerated" and the cervical nerve was severely impaired. I them went through about 1 1/2 years of increasingly unbareable pain!! Unable to work, drive, or wash dishes, or cook dinner. I lived laying down. At I underwent a surgery with a neurosurgeon out of Hoag Hospital and had a cervical fusion at 2 levels in my neck, and the neurosurgeion removed excess bone growth (caused by the neck attempting to repair itself by growing new bones). I am now 40 years old and have had a LIFE filled with pain, physical therapy, 2400 mg of ibuprophen is now what i take during the day and narcotic pain meds in the evening. I refuse to be foggy headed during the day. I refuse to take nerve pain meds, because I don't want to feel groggy and out of it. SO, AS YOU CAN TELL, MY ENTIRE LIFE FOR THE LAST 15 YEARS + MY FUTURE, HAVE BEEN FOREVER ALTERED DUE TO DR. THOMAS HEWKO. He never once acknowledged injuring me, never offered an appology. I am fairly confident I am not the only person he has injured. His judgement day will come, for his own good I hope he turns his life around.

A life of chronic pain
LS from HB
by ls_from_hb
September 14, 2009
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