Animal Emergency Clinic of Springfield

Animal Emergency Clinic of Springfield
Animal Emergency Clinic of Springfield 1333 Wabash Avenue Springfield, IL 62704
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Consumer Feedback

(29 Reviews)
4 star average for Service
4.5 star average for Environment
4 star average for Expertise
4 star average for Staff
4 star average for Recommended
5 star average for Value
Did this provider answer all of your questions?
by Anonymous
October 26, 2012

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Going to this place was the worst experience I've ever had. The overcharge greatly and they do not tell you the truth about anything. Both my friend and I had to take our pets there over the weekend and both of us got false information before taking our pets there. It was already a tragic situation amde worse by this place.
by Anonymous
October 08, 2012

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Did this provider answer all of your questions?
Was this provider's staff friendly?
Yes, they went above and beyond
by Anonymous
August 01, 2012
we had to have our much loved pet euthanized tonite. They were so very kind and caring and explained everything clearly. I thank them for their compassion
by rascals mom
June 04, 2012

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Did this provider answer all of your questions?
Was this provider's staff friendly?
by Anonymous
May 07, 2012

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Did this provider answer all of your questions?
Every question I had was answered thoroughly
Was this provider's staff friendly?
Yes, they went above and beyond
Did you leave the office feeling satisfied with your visit?
Was this provider's office easy to locate?
Absolutely! It couldn't have been easier!
Are you going to visit this provider again?
Without a doubt!
by Tracey
April 21, 2012

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Did this provider answer all of your questions?
Every question I had was answered thoroughly
Was this provider's staff friendly?
Yes, they went above and beyond
Did you leave the office feeling satisfied with your visit?
Was this provider's office easy to locate?
Fairly Easy
by Anonymous
March 25, 2012

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Was this veterinarian gentle when caring for your pet?
Unbelievabley gentle, it is very apparant they truly care about pets well-being and comfort
Was this veterinarian friendly to your pet?
Extremely friendly, I could really tell his/her love for animals.
Does this provider always put the customer first?
Absolutely! They have some of the best customer service I have ever seen
Were you able to get answers to simple questions from this provider without scheduling an appointment?
Absolutely! I'm always able to get my questions answered over the phone right away!
by Anonymous
September 23, 2011

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Were the staff members able to answer your questions?
Yes! They were the most knowledgeable staff I've ever seen!
Was this provider's office clean?
Yes! I was amazed at how clean it was!
How would you compare this provider to others in his/her field that you have visited?
There is no comparison!
Is this business in a safe neighborhood?
Yes, it was in a safe enough neighborhood
Does this provider always put the customer first?
Absolutely! They have some of the best customer service I have ever seen
by Anonymous
July 15, 2011
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