This doctor,cardiologist in the begining was a very adapt person and cardiologist.Though from the begining,always talked down to me,rather than to me.Always never defined my health problem
s with a postive answer,nor with a reasonable explantion,as to how bad my heart problems were
or the reasons why my heart valve was leaking blood,or which valve was doing the leaking of blood.Continually since the year 2000 I was every six months to go to see how the problem was.
It seemed to still be leaking in my heart valve,but was informed it was not any worse as each
month passed on,until the year 2006.
There were always testing being done,and the results were the valve was never worse,and he
still would not suggest to replace the valve,as still at this point,he still did not explain what this valve was doing or which one was bad.I was never any better in health,all these year
s and was only worse.Finally in 2006,I went to Arizona,where also two other Cardilogist were
doing the same things to me.returning for test,and giving inappropiate medications which did
not cure the problems,but agreed that my valve was bad,and finally was told it was the main
Aortic Valve.Still these Cardiologist never decided to replace it,and when one did,the two
surgeons would not agree to an operation,replacement.
I went to China,dispite my health,and knowing I had less than three years to live,as assum
ed by me,and of what I could learn.I spent the year 2007 in China,rebuilding my heart and to
lose all my excess weight and lost 75 pounds in nine months.(I had no medicines to take,so I
improvised and took two medicines which hopefully would work.I returned to Arizona in 2007 and
in 2008 December,had congestive heart failure twice.The second time,I was admitted to Tucson
Heart hospital,and stayed for a few days,and one World Known Surgeon took an interest in my
case,the day I was being released,Him and another surgeon explained to me I had less than a
year and a half to live.The surgeon,agreed to a replacement of a Pigs Valve for me,in one week
. This surgeon was not my doctor,and was only interested as he was ahead of the heart depart
ment in the hospital.He made the date,and in one week we had the replacement.within one week
of the operation,I was released,and in less than four weeks was on a plane returning to China.
I have lived here in China without a doctors care,for two and a half years,on two medicatio
ns.I have had no real heart problems.
Dr Longo,always refused,as did the other doctors to replace my heart valve.Its stated I was to happy,to have a replacement,from one surgeon who refused,and the other always just wanted more test.
Dr.Longo could have had me avoid all of this,by replacing my heart valve when it would not stop bleeding eight years earlir.
There is a lot more to this story concerning the Family Physician who also was my
primary doctor and whom helped make these decisions with Dr Longo.
by blueyankee44
April 21, 2010