Tasmina Sheikh, MD

Tasmina Sheikh, MD
4600 Military Trail Jupiter, FL 33458
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(11 Reviews)
3 star average for Service
3.5 star average for Environment
3 star average for Expertise
2.5 star average for Staff
3 star average for Recommended
2.5 star average for Value
This doctor permanently changed my attitude toward the mental health profession for the worse. Because of this doctor's decision, I was withdrawn from my university classes and forcfully confined to a cell in a mental institution for 3 days without being told when I could leave. I am not making this up. Look up the baker act. You will see that a condition for the baker act is that a person must appear to be a danger to themselves or to others. After calling mulitple hospitals, my mother finally found Tasmina Sheikh and was able to convince her to baker act me. The reasons my mother used to backer act me were (and I quote): "he sat in a corner at a wedding [and] he leaves dirty dishes in his room." Other reasons included, openning windows, and jumping on a counter. Though maybe dirty or foolish, nothing my mother could have said could have made me appear to be harmfull to myself or others, yet this demented medical practitioner went ahead without evaluating me or the life that I live. There was insufficient evidence to support my mother's claim that I could or should be baker acted. I am a graduate of a distinguished degree program seeking a masters degree. I volunteer with organizations that actually help people, and I could have easly had anyone of the people who know me testify that I am healthy. To give you an ideal of how my life was effected by this doctor's poor decision making abilities, I was in my room studing Physics when an officer of the law forced me into hand-cuffs, and dragged me to a mental hospital. I was stripped of my clothes and forced to a cell wothout dinner the first night of my stay. After I refused my medication that night, I was held and injected with material to "make me think good." Nothing about my stay after that was pretty. It has also effected my medical and criminal records too. My records are full of lies and slander from hospital staff disgruntled with their jobs which included processing me.
by Anonymous
October 19, 2009
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