No greeting upon entrance, instead the receptionist behaved as if I was rude to interrupt her while she was casually chatting with a co-worker. My primary insurance is with Humana Military (TriCare CHCBP) I was told that they didn't know what Humana was and the TriCare address was different than the address that they had on file, so therefore I would need to file my own claim because she (business manager?) was not going to "add the address into their computers for just me." I even contacted my insurance rep. to explain why my insurance card said "Humana Military" but was billed to TriCare (at another address) But, as she said...she didn't doubt the validity (really?!) she just wasn't going to add the address to file the claim. What the What?!? My insurance rep. "suggested" that I may want to find another clinic...I didn't hesitate to do this. Very first impression...rude.