Tagged as Toothache

Gritting or clenching our teeth when we’re angry or stressed isn’t uncommon. But the majority of people who grind their teeth don’t even realize they thy do it — because they do it in their sleep. Sometimes, our only indication of grinding our teeth might be that it wakes up our partner. But it can have serious implications for our dental health, even if we don't know we're doing it. Here's how to...
December 24, 2024
Tooth decay seems to be practically inevitable. About -91% of U.S. adults-, between the age of 20 and 64, have or have had tooth decay. Once adults reach the age of 65, that number jumps to 96%. Tooth decay is a common problem, affecting more than 9 out of 10 Americans at some point during their lifetime. But that doesn’t mean you can’t stave it off. In fact, most people can reverse and/or prevent...
November 25, 2023
Although there are many ways to tend to a toothache, not all of them are safe.  Other important considerations are how does each treatment last, is this a short or a long-term solution and how well (if at all) can you afford to pay for the treatment(s) that you need? - For the record, if you can afford it or can find some way to pay for it, making an appointment ASAP to see a dentist is the best way...
September 29, 2018