Tagged as stroke

Like the villains in old-fashioned westerns, cholesterol tends to get viewed as one of our body’s bad guys. But cholesterol plays a vital role in keeping our bodies functioning properly. So it's important to view it with balance. We need to keep it within optimal levels, but not view it as evil or bad because it's important to our wellbeing. Let’s take a closer look at the role cholesterol plays in...
February 7, 2025
Most people are affected by some degree of gum disease. In fact, nine out of 10 people worldwide. And in general, if we're privileged enough to have regular dental care, many are trying to do something about it. At least, to keep it under control. And then we tend to forget about it. But gum disease affects more than our aesthetic. As it turns out, gum disease can play a role in our -stroke risk-,...
December 13, 2024
How often do you take over-the-counter (OTC) pain relievers? Did you know you could be increasing your chances of serious, even life-threatening side effects? The benefits and risks are slightly different with each type, which makes some more risky than others depending on your health. We have the breakdown for you, so you can take appropriate steps if you feel that is necessary. OTC pain relievers...
November 26, 2024
Cholesterol is a necessary component to good health. Your body uses it during digestion, hormone production, and proper cell function. Because high cholesterol levels in the blood can lead to cardiovascular disease and stroke, dietary cholesterol has long held a bad reputation. While current government - dietary guidelines - still recommend eating a diet low in cholesterol, newer - research - suggests...
August 24, 2023
When a stroke hits, so begins a race against the clock to restore circulation and normalize fluid pressure in the brain. Brain damage can begin if the problems aren’t resolved -within minutes-, and severe damage can be long-lasting and even permanent, if not deadly. A new treatment may be able to normalize brain pressure and reduce potential damage. Ischemic strokes cause brain damage because of two...
July 29, 2022
The first avocado may have been eaten by a Mayan Princess and was considered "The Fruit of Royalty." You've heard it time and time again, "Avocados are a superfood!" And you do not have to be a member of a royal family to eat them. Even fast food restaurants like Subway have jumped on board (Yes, sorry. Subway is a fast food restaurant). Pre-mashed avocado at fast food restaurants often contains manufactured...
November 12, 2021
Would you recognize the signs of an eye stroke? If one hits, you may have precious little time to restore your vision. It’s important to know the risk factors and symptoms of this seemingly tiny emergency, which is sometimes a warning sign of something far more dangerous ahead. An eye stroke can hit without warning, causing blind spots, shadows or even total blindness in one eye. People with cardiovascular...
January 13, 2020
Researchers published a -study- last week on a new potential stroke treatment in a class all its own. The compound has just completed its first human trial, and the results are promising. If all continues to go well, a stroke treatment that causes little to no bleeding could be on the horizon. The new stroke treatment just completed its first round of human trials, and it appears to have all the benefits...
June 25, 2019
Over the past several decades, doctors have routinely prescribed a daily aspirin for patients at risk for cardiovascular incidents. However, new studies have shown that low-dose aspirin therapy may - not - be for everyone. In certain individuals, the risks - such as internal bleeding in the skull - often outweigh the rewards. The findings have prompted the - American Heart Association - to issue new...
May 28, 2019
Arteries are responsible for carrying oxygen-rich blood throughout the body. When you have healthy arteries, blood flows through the body quite easily. As you age, fatty deposits, cholesterol and cellular waste products settle on the inner walls of your arteries. Research shows that pomegranate can actually help clean your arteries helping to keep blood flowing smoothly. When arteries become clogged,...
June 22, 2018