Tagged as Sneezing

It’s that time of the year again. The sniffles, congestion, and red eyes are a dead giveaway: It’s allergy season. And now is the time to get prepared. Many allergy sufferers have multiple allergens but a whole lot of us are sensitive to pollen — and therefore we suffer most in the spring. Here are some solid tips on preparing for those miserable spring allergies. Set Up an Appointment With a Doctor...
March 21, 2025
The technical term for sneezing is “sternutation.” The mucus membranes (lining) in the nose and throat become irritated. There are a number of triggers that can cause a sneeze. The most common culprits are symptoms arising from a cold, flu, or allergies. Environmental triggers include pollen, dust, strong odors, pepper, powders, change in temperature, pet dander, mold, looking into bright lights, and...
February 11, 2022