Tagged as Mental Health

Video games have been -studied- extensively for their potential role in violent and negative behaviors, and this singular view has largely given them a bad rap. More recent research has highlighted the positive effects of video gameplay, which appears to be just as noteworthy. Time spent playing and genre choices could be important factors in the impact they have on us so it's not as easy as early...
January 31, 2025
When feelings of loneliness and sadness get to be too much, some people will reach out for help, either personally or professionally. But what about those who may have the attitude that they need to "tough it out" or push through? Having a strong, steadfast persona can be a good character trait to have. It certainly makes you seem dependable. And it may mean that you feel you can easily handle anything...
January 24, 2025
Dopamine is one of our natural feel-good chemicals. We’re designed to seek out pleasurable activities because we're designed to seek out the hit of dopamine we get from pleasure. But getting the right balance of it can be tricky. Why Do We Need Dopamine? - Dopamine- is necessary for numerous brain functions, from assisting in impulse control to regulating muscle movements. We release dopamine when...
January 15, 2025
Ask just about anyone which decade was the absolute best to be a kid, and they’ll likely name their own era. The best music? That usually depends on which songs the person heard the most in their middle-school and teen years. Given a choice between Howdy Doody, Super Friends and Pokémon, which reigns supreme? You guessed it: The answer likely depends on which era was yours. And this says something...
January 6, 2025
Staying centered may be easy when life is calm and peaceful, but it can be more of a challenge during the holidays—for many of us, anyway. Stressful times, financial concerns, and complicated relationships with family members may add to the feeling of being off-center and uncomfortable. Many people say they haven't really enjoyed the holidays since they were kids. But there are ways to feel centered...
December 9, 2024
Happiness is not something that just magically happens for some people but not for others. The way you view yourself, others, and the world around you is the key your own happiness. If you genuinely want to be happy more often than you are, you CAN make changes necessary to bring about that peace. Although everyone has bad periods in their lives that can last from hours to even months at a time, those...
November 22, 2024
We might be lucky enough to grow up surrounded by family and friends. But eventually, whether from a move, or a loss of contact, a new school or in our first apartment, we all experience loneliness. By all accounts, loneliness is impacting many Americans in epidemic proportions. Some say ts the single greatest mental health crisis of our time. Yet we don't really seem to take it seriously as a problem. But...
October 25, 2024
Although there are many approaches toward battling depression, there is no question that a healthy diet should be part of an overall depression-fighting treatment plan. The nutrients in food support wellness, growth and the body's ability to repair itself. Deficiency in fat, protein, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins can cause our bodies to not work at full capacity and can also adversely affect...
September 27, 2024
It's stressful enough just trying to get by on an average day these days, isn't it? But then you compound that with myriad challenges on a global scale and many of us are truly suffering what's called "crisis fatigue." it may seem like a made-up term but it's a clinical reality that threatens the wellbeing of even the most well-adjusted people. It's very real and even dangerous. Here's how to recognize...
July 4, 2024
Life is forever challenging for us all. We carry pains and life’s lessons all the way through. None of us are exempt from these sharper edges. We are here to grow. The signature purpose and intention behind life’s sharper edges is to provide us that very opportunity. What might seem like and enemy will likely turn out to be the only possible thing that could have caused us enough discomfort to finally...
April 12, 2024