Red meat has gotten a bad rap over the years. Even the -American Heart Association- recommends limiting your intake. But what if we’ve been unfairly favoring other types of meat over beef, lamb and pork? A recent study may have leveled the playing field. Is chicken really better for you than beef? According to one study, it isn’t. Researchers compared cholesterol levels from diets focusing on three...
The meat in your diet might be affecting far more than your risk of high cholesterol and heart disease. A meta-analysis recently published in - BMC Psychiatry - suggests a diet high in meat could actually increase your risk for depression. Searching All Avenues - The World Health Organization (WHO) reports -over 300 million people across the globe living with depression-, and their numbers are increasing...
Alzheimer's disease is the -most common form of dementia. While a single direct cause is still not entirely known, there are some things scientists are learning that may aid in the prevention. Sugary snacks, starchy foods and processed meats aren’t the healthiest options. But could these foods also increase your Alzheimer's risk? - The Apparent Sugar and Alzheimer's Link - Consuming too much sugar...
Food is such a prevalent part of our life and can affect our mood, time, body shape, and overall health. The choices are endless when it comes to what we put in our mouths, and for some that decision leaves meat out of the picture. People might make their plate based on religion, their health status, or as part of their environmental beliefs. Two types of eating have become popular meatless options,...
There is a major shift taking place right now that may have consequences even those of us who are condemning it may not fully appreciate, much less explain to others. Actually, this so-called "shift" has been in the making for decades but, because it is being implemented so slow and surreptitiously, many people aren't even aware of what is taking place. If they are aware, they either don't have the...
Does it make sense to you that if you eat a pound of fat, that some of that fat is going to incorporate itself into your body? It’s not a secret that most of our meat and poultry products are pumped full of growth inducing chemicals, including antibiotics that have been shown to induce increased growth in livestock. That is good for selling by the pound, but is it good for those who consume these super...