Tagged as IQ

According to recent studies, human beings are getting dumber. Since the 1980s, people’s IQs have been going down multiple points each decade. Researchers aren’t sure about the specific causes, but educational, technological and dietary factors are likely involved. Take a closer look at how these issues could be lowering our IQs. The Flynn Effect - In the late 1980s, a researcher named James Flynn discovered...
December 27, 2024
When a pregnant person is deficient in any nutrient, so is the baby, and the effects can be persistent. Researchers have long been trying to hoe in on the effects of deficiencies in these cases and have now zeroed in on deficiencies that specifically affect the tiny developing brains of fetuses. And in one surprise result, they’ve found vitamin D could be vital to our intelligence. Vitamin D and the...
December 14, 2022
Geniuses aren’t typically known for their social skills, and few nerds are ever crowned as royalty at the prom. While some among the highly intelligent do manage to make friends, many find themselves spending a large portion of their time alone. The average person might assume pretentiousness and selectness are to blame, but the real reasons are far more down to earth than most people realize. Anxiety...
July 28, 2021
Most of us are familiar with intellectual intelligence markers as expressed by the Intelligence Quotient (IQ) measurement. But with greater frequency, universities, corporations and individuals evaluate emotional intelligence (EQ) as a predictor of work performance, socialization, relationship stability and even physical and mental health. Let’s take a look at how and why we should all do the work...
May 12, 2021