Exercising can be hard to fit into a tight schedule, and with so many other demands taking up our free time, many of us feel like we need a way to burn some extra calories. We went looking for ways to burn calories without exercising. And found some great results. Get the details below on how you can burn calories without exercising, too. Take a Hot Bath - People who enjoy a good, hot soak have one...
If “wellness” is a result of our daily choices that lead to healthy balanced states of mind, body, spirit, lifestyle, and Social aspects, then how might various imbalances or unhealthy choices (stress, food choices, etc) affect our DNA or even our children? - In this breakthrough study (-Environmental Health Perspective- , 2006 114:567-572), researchers showed that dietary changes of pregnant mice...
Wellness is the realization of our true potential to live a healthier, happier and more successful existence. Wellness - the state of being healthy. Wellness Dimensions - Wellness involves the awareness of our current state of health in multiple dimensions with the initiative, tools and support to make lasting changes towards a more optimal life. Read More.. li{ position:relative; float:left; width:20%;...