It seems like wildfires get worse every year and as we are staring down the barrel at summer now in the northern hemisphere, we should probably prepare for another wildfire season. At times, it’s almost as if half the world is on fire, between pandemics, earthquakes, and more. But smoke-season can be a serious health threat, so we're here to help you prepare. You might not be able to avoid every seasonal...
Snoring is a common problem, affecting nearly -90 million adults- in the United States. Of those, approximately 37 million snore on a regular basis, a fact that could indicate a more serious problem or underlying condition, such as sleep apnea. Even if there isn’t a serious condition at play, snoring interrupts healthy sleep patterns, for both the snorer and their partner. Fortunately, there are things...
Pessimism is a world-wide problem, according to the -World Economic Forum. From the United States to South America and around the globe, many people view things as being worse than they really are. Importantly, it’s an interesting phenomenon with real-life consequences. The truth is, personal levels of pessimism/optimism could impact health and quality of life. And it may even shorten your lifespan....
Ever hear that dry heat is good for us? Well, it turns out it’s not just an old wives’ tale. A hot, dry climate can alleviate the symptoms associated with a host of chronic health conditions, including lung issues, heart disease, arthritis and depression. How? The low humidity, low amount of precipitation and warmer temperatures when compared with other climates, is good for the mind and body. Let's...
It’s an exciting time to be alive. We’re seeing some amazing medical breakthroughs, with plenty more advancements on the horizon. Some of the top researchers in their fields have shared their predictions, and -the future of medicine looks bright. Lifesaving Heart Advances - Heart attacks strike 735,000 people each year in the U.S., killing 610,000 of them. 210,000 of those had suffered at least one...
INTRODUCTION - Several health agencies (including the CDC, the NIH, the American Heart Association, etc.) monitor trends and developments relating to cardiovascular disease (CVD). One might expect that, statistically speaking, circumstances remain relatively the same from year to year but that is simply not so. Cardiovascular disease, for example, may have once been thought of as a “man’s disease”...
Many Americans who may benefit from taking cholesterol-lowering medications (statins) are not taking them. Why? Over -half of them- say their doctor didn’t give them the option. With heart disease being the -leading cause of death- for men and women, researchers are concerned that people with high cholesterol are not getting the information they need to make an informed decision regarding their health....
Each year, the World Health Organization (WHO) compiles a list of the world’s most significant health threats in the hopes of finding ways to solve them. This year’s greatest threats to global health are: - 1. Air pollution - 2. Lifestyle-related deaths - 3. Influenza - 4. Poor living conditions - 5. Antimicrobial resistance - 6. High-threat pathogens - 7. Poor primary healthcare - 8. Vaccine hesitancy...
We are into the 20th year of the millenium, and while the world has seen unprecedented and exponential growth and advancements in almost every sector, there’s another area that we've all seen grow rapidly – stress levels. With bustling lives becoming busier and more and more competitive, the stress levels have risen gradually over the years and have reached a crescendo, as a result of which, we are...
You’ve been told time and time again that artificial or processed sugars are bad for your health, especially when it comes to things like aspartame or processed white sugars or syrups. The whole “don’t eat this; eat this instead,” argument is almost dizzying in its confusion sometimes, but the idea that processed sugars cause problems isn’t necessarily wrong. Too much of a sweet and sugary thing can...