Tagged as Healthy Diet

Gluten is a protein contained in wheat, barley, and rye. It gives a doughy/elastic consistency to flours derived from these grains. This is why, over the centuries, gluten-containing grains have come to be used so extensively in breads and other baked goods. Today, gluten is used in many processed and pre-made foods. Though there may be no detectable symptoms of the immune response to gluten, the typical...
March 30, 2015
I'm not sure about you, but mid-morning is sometimes when I'm at my lowest. Not quite prepared to eat a full meal, I find myself longing for a little pick-me-up to boost productivity. A small snack that combines carbohydrates, protein, and fat serves me best. It fills me up and fuels my brain and doesn't leave me feeling groggy, tired, or full the way a sugar-loaded snack or caffeinated beverage might....
March 26, 2015
She spoke in hushed tones about a second and then third eclair she devoured alone, hiding all evidence from her husband. “You’re addicted,” I said matter-of-factly. Sugar had become my friend’s drug of choice, and constantly grazing on even so-called healthy hidden-sugar foods had trained her body to demand it constantly. If you can relate to my friend’s predicament, I’ve got hopeful news: sugar addiction...
March 24, 2015
"Healthy" food choices sure are a big topic these days. So many choices... Choices create problems because food is more than nourishment; it plays a huge part in our sense of daily enjoyment. The problem seems to be rooted in our sense of smell and taste buds that apparently have a direct link to our brains and emotions. There's plenty of information out there that informs us what to eat and what not...
March 9, 2015
Beauty is truly an inside out job. Sure it's great to maintain a solid skin care regimen: use a good cleanser, moisturize daily, apply the occasional mask, balance your skin's ph with a toner. However, none of these will make much of a difference when paired with a poor diet. If you're experiencing a rough complexion despite taking good care of your skin, your diet maybe the real culprit. Read on to...
March 6, 2015
Consumers are voting for organic produce with billions of dollars of year-over-year growth in organic product consumption. Whether you're an early adopter or still looking for reasons to go organic here is a deeper look into the reasons we should go organic; for our families, our communities and our global environment. Here are six (6) BIG reasons to Go Organic: - #1. Toxicity to Earth & Water - Chemical...
February 14, 2015
Wellness Tip:- With today's hurried lifestyles, people often fail to eat enough real nutrient-dense food. The reality is that most of us are living with micronutrient deficiencies and imbalances which lead to a myriad of health issues. Even if you do eat reasonably well, you can still struggle to get the nutrients you need from anything grown in modern day nutrient-depleted soils. Taking supplements...
January 21, 2015
There are many reasons you should purchase organic products at the grocery store. Foods with a USDA Organic label are not grown with chemical pesticides, genetically modified or treated with sewage or petroleum-based pesticides. We have the best intentions at the grocery store, but ultimately it comes down to a question of cost. Many families cannot afford to purchase all organic produce. However,...
January 5, 2015
Wellness Tip:- Omega-3 fatty acids are essential nutrients that are not manufactured by the body, but must be ingested through diet. Omega-3s are necessary for blood clotting, cell health support and reduced inflammation. Evidence suggests they prevent cardiovascular disease. The average western diet is lopsided with Omega-6 fatty acids, which promote inflammation and compete with Omega-3s to metabolize....
January 4, 2015
Wellness Tip:- Consider a rainbow of colors on your quest to eat your way to better health. White foods like garlic and onions help boost the immune system. Green vegetables detox the body and provide a wealth of vitamins and minerals. Yellow foods like lemons and bell peppers serve to improve skin elasticity. Orange foods ranging from carrots to oranges can help prevent cancer. Cherries, pomegranates,...
November 14, 2014