Tagged as Fitness

What do your lungs have in common with your gut? Would you believe poor cardiovascular fitness could increase your chances of developing cancer in both? One study found an interesting link between these types of cancer and cardiovascular health. A recent study- investigated the connection between cardiovascular fitness and cancers of the lung and bowel. Researchers found people who scored best on an...
June 20, 2024
Each year, countless people set their New Year’s resolutions. In 2020, the -most common resolution- was to exercise more. Eating healthy and losing weight came in third and fourth, respectively. That’s a lot of people starting something new, and many of them may not have any experience with exercise at all. So, what should you do if you want to get more active, even though you’re a newbie to the gym?...
December 3, 2023
We might be less physically active while we sleep, but our bodies still quietly process what they need to stay healthy and strong. Our muscles require specific building blocks if we want them to grow, but we have to take the right approach in fueling them if we want maximum results. With the right timing, we can even do some of the work in our sleep. See how... Our bodies need exercise and protein...
September 25, 2023
Functional Fitness is one of the latest workout buzzwords, but what is it and how can it help you meet your health goals? - Designed to target the muscle groups that you need for your daily tasks, the functional fitness trend grew, in part, from a troubling phenomenon. People who had impressively “gym fit” bodies were still reporting discomfort and even injury after performing routine daily tasks....
July 18, 2023
Many women, especially those over the age of fifty, believe that fitness just isn’t for them. I’ve heard so many of my aging loved ones say that they are simply “too old” to get into shape. That’s just not the case! - Don’t believe me? Meet -Ernestine Shepherd-, a 79-year-old who started working out at the age of 56 and is now one of the world’s most inspirational female bodybuilders. She is living...
February 19, 2023
Nearly 8 out of 10 American adults don’t get -enough exercise-, with only -5% of adults- take part in physical activity for 30 minutes a day. It’s easy to put fitness on the back burner when busy juggling the demands of work, family and social commitments. Many people feel too exhausted or uncomfortable to muster up the motivation to work out regularly, and some simply dislike exercise in general....
September 24, 2022
The idea of working toward fitness goals may seem daunting. Like some huge insurmountable plan that the average person can never enact. And l-et’s face it, not all of us are couch potatoes without reason. Mobility and health issues impact some of us and can make our journey to fitness more challenging. But there are some great ways, and important reasons, to work toward getting fit no matter where...
August 3, 2022
What if I told you that I had a pill that could relieve stress and depression, help you lose weight, regenerate brain cells, prevent both heart disease and type 2 diabetes, boost confidence, give you more energy, reverse most of the symptoms of aging, and it had no side effects. Would you take it? - Most people would take it for sure until they hear the directions: “Take one pill with an 8 ounce glass...
April 22, 2022
Despite the -daily recommendation- of 10,000 steps, many adults only hit -somewhere between- 5k and 7k each day. Don’t panic if you fall in the average range, though. Some experts- believe that speed matters more than duration, so 10,000 slow steps may not be a way to improve health. Instead of pushing to hit a specific number of steps, consider speeding up workouts instead. Experts have been recommending...
March 19, 2022
Anyone who exercises, and who sleeps, has heard the canard that it's a bad idea to exercise before trying to go to sleep. That canard can seem to have a lot of common sense to it. On its face, the state of working out seems like the precise opposite of the state of being asleep. The actual research is mixed on the subject. There's no doubt that working out has effects that don't seem conducive to a...
March 4, 2022