Tagged as crisis

It's stressful enough just trying to get by on an average day these days, isn't it? But then you compound that with myriad challenges on a global scale and many of us are truly suffering what's called "crisis fatigue." it may seem like a made-up term but it's a clinical reality that threatens the wellbeing of even the most well-adjusted people. It's very real and even dangerous. Here's how to recognize...
July 4, 2024
A staggering -70% of US residents- would feel ill-prepared to handle a medical emergency that required them to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Considering about 88% of all heart attacks occur at home, away from immediate medical care, each of us could potentially save a life by knowing this one skill. Any ability is better than none at all, but the more current the practice, the better...
May 26, 2021
The -average American- logs 44 hours per week with their employer and 50 or 60-hour workweeks are common in some industries. Combine those long workweeks with other commitments, like parenting, social events and volunteer work, and it’s easy to pile too many obligations into an already hectic week. While some adults love leading fast-paced lives, it’s not necessarily good for their bodies — and they...
October 14, 2019