The flu can utterly devastate the body and leave you feeling wrung out, but it’s not the only winter illness to be concerned about. We all suffer from colds at some point, too. But then over here is this other thing that few know about. It turns out that adenoviruses are making people sick, too. Knowing the difference between these viruses, the flu, and the common cold may even help you stay healthier....
Having a cold is probably one of the most uncomfortable things imaginable. They make it difficult to sleep, work and even eat. This is because our bodies are working hard to fight unwelcome visitors. While they can ease symptoms in the short-term, over-the-counter medications barely make a dent in the common cold. However, there are a few ways to fight the common cold without ever having to brave the...
Food might not be on your mind so much when you’re not feeling well, but proper nutrition is vital to -good immune health. That means you need to eat — even when you don't want to. Some meal choices are better for you than others when you’re trying to fight off a nasty bug, though. Let's look at some foods that will help build health and recovery. Fruits - Fruits contain a wealth of vitamins and minerals,...
During viral outbreaks, we are reminded of how vulnerable we can be as a community on both a local and a global basis. Reactions to viruses have brought entire cities to a screeching halt, closed schools, shut down production lines and cleaned off store shelves. But not everyone has the ability to shelter in place until the threat passes. If you or someone you love is among those who must commute outside...
My mama used to give me vitamin C at the first sign of a cold, hoping to stave it off. But while it may have been helpful in some ways, it may not actually do what mama thought. There is no direct evidence that vitamin C -prevents- colds, says the -National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. But don't give up hope or throw out mama's advice just yet. There is some evidence that suggests...
Follow these tips to maximize your chances of getting through the 2014 holiday flu season without catching a nasty bug. Based on data collected by the CDC between 1983 and 2014, the peak of the flu season is typically in February, but it can also peak as early as October or as late as April. While no single method will provide fool-proof protection, using as many of these tips as possible will give...