Anger is one of the most basic of human emotions. It's experienced even by babies. But while infants and toddlers manage their anger primarily with tears and physical reflex, such as hitting, adults have better options. Using healthy ways to manage anger can benefit your mental and physical health and it makes you more likable in most cases. How Does Anger Affect the Body? - Studies show that feeling...
The heart is essential for good physical health, pumping blood through our bodies and removing waste from within us. Unfortunately, it is subject to a range of harmful agents, from the concrete to the intangible, and a majority of which is attributed to the choices we make in life. Some factors that lead to cardiovascular disease and heart attacks are less obvious than others, and all are important...
I spent years in a clinical laboratory analyzing blood and every other bodily fluid that we humans can produce. I routinely saw lab results showing blood chemistries in or out of the norm as evidence of some disease or degenerative state present in each patient. During and after my laboratory years, I’ve been a seeker of information to help understand which life choices we can make that are more likely...
Feeling hurt is not the same as being angry. Mental health requires neurochemical and metaphysical balance, being genuine, and taking appropriate individual responsibility. One out of five Americans has an anger management problem. Anger is nature's way of empowering us to "ward off" our perception of an attack or threat. Emotions can also be disingenuous or contrived to control others or avoid real...