Orthopaedic Specialists

Orthopaedic Specialists
Orthopaedic Specialists 3385 Dexter Court Suite 300 Davenport, IA 52807

Orthopaedic Specialists

Orthopaedic Specialists is the region's leading orthopaedic practice, composed of skilled fellowship-trained and board-certified doctors. The advanced orthopaedic care offered at all our office locations uses state-of-the-art technology while practicing minimally-invasive surgical techniques, non-surgical techniques and physical therapy. Our practice serves the Quad City areas of Davenport and Clinton, Iowa.
Primary Specialty


Services Knee Ligament Injuries: ACL and MCL Tears, Total knee replacement, Total hip replacement, Endoscopic Carpal Tunnel Release, Endoscopic Cubital Tunnel Release, Microdiscectomy, Cervical or lumbar fusion, ACL repair, RCR (rotator cuff repair), Ankle arthroplasty (ankle replacement)
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