Antoinette Gibbs has been in private practice in the field of massage therapy and bodywork in the Marietta, Georgia area for over 25 years. Concentrating in pain relief due to muscular and postural dysfunction, she incorporates an eclectic blend of Neuromuscular pressure point therapy, Deep tissue strokes , Swedish massage, myo-fascial release therapy and advance bodytherapy techniques to unlock and release the joints of the body.
Years In Practice37
Primary Specialty
Massage Therapist
EducationEast Carolina University BSBA
TrainingAtlanta School Of Massage Institute of Aesthetics
AffiliationsGeorgia Board of Massage Georgia Board of Aesthetics Continental Who's Who - Featured Entreprenuer Featured In Wholefoods Customer Magazine
ServicesKnown for her strong hands, intuitive touch and working knowledge of advanced techniques, the bodywork tunes in to your particular needs and provides immediate results with a deeper sense of relaxation. The goal is to design an individualized session to improve posture and increase flexibility thus relieving neck tension, back aches, and sore, tight muscles..
Antoinette is also a licensed Aesthetician and uses anti-aging techniques to exfoliate, firm and tone the face and can be done during you bodywork session. Additional ServicesANTOINETTE GIBBS